Full AKC Name ~ Garden’s Red Blaze of Glory



Mommy ~ *Tiger Lily*                                                    Daddy ~ *Tinker Toy*


Redmond’s Grandmother ~ *Doodle Smooch*


Great Grandmother ~ *Drizzy* Dream


Redmond as a newborn:

At 2 weeks:

At 6 weeks:


Happy Easter! ~ 8 weeks


At 4 months:

At 6 months:


Redmond is truly a Mama’s Boy! He wants to be held and loved on many times a day!!
He is a playful guy who loves to run around the yard and play with the other Tzu’s.
He is a bright vibrant red color just like his Mom and is producing Exquisite Babies here at the Garden!! He also is a white, black, gold and chocolate carrier.
He comes from well known pedigrees.

He is “Ready Freddy” when it comes to the girls!!  😊

We are thrilled with him!