Parents ~ Fancy and Sparky as youngsters
Newborn Magic 
Here I am with my Mommy & sister. I am the cutie patooti the far left
Magic and I in our Garden on the day he arrived.
Oh Happy Day!
In a Thomas Kinkade Garden
Summertime 2009 is when I arrived here. Ok, I’ll wear the hat!
Our Rock Star!
With My Magic Box of Tricks
Oh what a Sweet Face.
I am going to be quite the ladies Man.
Yippee! Going for a ride…but pink…really Mom..
Who do you think I look like here, Papa Sparky or Grandpa Rock?
Magic the Magnificent!
Super Super Thick Coat
with darker mahogany red at his roots coming in!
~First Christmas~
What can we say? He’s the Man now!
Before and After (exhausted from groomer)